Coaching & Workshops

We love to teach others from the knowledge & experience we’ve gained in the field of Marketing & Ministry. You’ve got a team that’s studied Brand, Marketing Management, Communications, Theology, Youth Ministry, Graphic Design, Journalism & more! Whether you’re interested in 1x1 coaching, or having us run one of our curated workshops below with your team, we’d love to work with you.

Wondering where to begin your narrative on Instagram? It’s like you hold the camera up and nothing comes out. You start to wonder why people even would care what you have to say about you current thoughts, day, business, product…

You’d be surprised how people are starving for authentic connection on digital platforms, and public speaking is the most effective, raw & vulnerable way to deliver that.

Grow personally & grow your business through our PUBLIC SPEAKING ON DIGITAL MEDIA workshop.

FORMATS: 1x1 / team workshop

LENGTH: 1-3 hours


This is one of our FAVORITE workshops to run. This is truly the heartbeat of our work. BRAND. It’s everything.

It’s you, it’s your ethos, your spirit, your personality, it’s everything that sets you apart, makes you unique & thrusts you ahead in the marketplace. You want to get this right, you want to spend time on the discovery. That’s why we’ve designed the BRAND DISCOVERY workshop… in order to dig deep, discover & refine your mission, vision, tag lines, value propositions, key words, personality traits, colors, fonts, & more!

FORMATS: 1x1 / team workshop

LENGTH: 2-5 hours

Our one month kick starter coaching program is an amazing way to learn AND get expert results right away! This option gives you a dedicated account manager for one month as we strategize with you & create & implement for you, while coaching you in how to do it yourself!

We have a weekly coaching meeting where we teach you one of the core elements of digital marketing & walk you through what we have been executing on your behalf.

This way, you get expert results from our team impacting your business on day one, AND you get to learn how to keep the momentum going after the 30 days!

We provide you with the best practices, templates, tools, tips, strategies, processes & more!

It’s a whole new world. You’re not even THAT old and you still feel like you’re behind. Let’s get you AHEAD. We’ve designed our DIGITAL MARKETING 101 workshop to work with businesses and teams on kick starting their digital marketing initiatives as we educate on topics like social media marketing (and that WHOLE world of hashtags, algorithms, content curation & community engagement) as well as web design, user experience, email marketing, holistic digital personality, influencer marketing, and more! You will walk away with pages of notes, steam in your engine and creativity bursting!

FORMATS: 1x1 / team training

LENGTH: 3-8 hours


If you’re looking for customized & on-going coaching on different aspects & elements of running an online business or developing your brand, the #bonnebiz option is for you!

This is a totally customized coaching program that we build after a discovery call with you. We start off with a 6 week schedule with coaching calls each week & oodles of resources based on your unique program. This 6 week option is totally up to be renewed if you want to keep up with the coaching, learning, innovating & growing! We’re your biggest cheerleaders & would love to be your go-to team!

Is your team or corporation looking for fresh perspective, creativity & innovation on a project or launch? Our team would LOVE to come consult, as a contributer on the project, or help lead the creative strategy process! Our team has worked with dozens of businesses across dozens of industries, we live, eat & breathe digital marketing & brand & we are eager to share our inspiration, learnings and expertise. Please reach out to us to get started.