LEVELLING up Your Virtual Branding on Instagram

LEVELLING up Your Virtual Branding on Instagram

Are you looking to step up your business Instagram’s game?

A visual brand identity is all about how your business LOOKS and FEELS on social media.


You may be saying to yourself, what is a visual brand identity and why is it so important?


When it comes to Instagram, a strong visual identity really helps to STRENGTHEN your brand’s overall message and gives off a more professional vibe which overall converts visitors to your profile into lifelong followers.

The colour theme, images, fonts, and overall mood you select for your business profile can paint a picture in seconds.


You can improve your visual branding on Instagram with these tips:


Defining Your Brand Values

 The first step to deciding how you want to design your brand image is defining WHAT you want to say, and WHO you want to say it to. This is such an important part of branding.


Once you have an understanding of your brand values, it will be easier for you to create a strong visual identity that supports your brand’s overall mission.


HOT TIP: If you aren’t quite sure about your brand values just yet, create a list of adjectives for your brand and highlight the ones that stick out to you the most. These are the ones most important to convey to an audience.


Ask yourself what type of brand you want to be? Do you want to give off a more subtle identity or do you really want to stand out in the crowds of Instagram? 



Choosing Your Brand Colours & Mood

 Deciding what mood and overall vibe you want your business profile to go for is the fun part! There really are infinite possibilities when it comes to the colour combinations you can choose for your brand, and which MOOD you really want to strive for. 


Going through the colour palette can be very helpful when defining how you want your business profile to look. Soft pastels are perceived as calming and youthful, which dark rich colours are often thought of as regal, stable and authoritative. 


A great tip for visually laying out your Instagram profile is to create a mood board for your brand. Laying out the certain type of images, colour scheme, textures, fonts & more really help you to CLARIFY your vision and having it right in front of you can give a better idea of how it translates into visual communications.


If you are looking for some assistance in putting together a mood board for your brand, reach out! Bonne Media loves providing visual mood boards to clients.



Create Content With a Similar Look

 The best way to start out your Instagram branding strategy is by looking at the content you’re creating. Come up with the best strategy for ensuring your content has a similar look and feel across the board.


Creating your feed using a colour blocking technique that focuses on a single color or a couple of colours for multiple photos before moving onto the next is a very popular technique. 


Other ideas include:

  • Using an ombré look throughout your Instagram feed.

  • Stick with a single focus color for all of your content.

  • Find a photo edit effect or filter you like and use it for all images.

  • Create a pattern with graphics and photos throughout your feed.

  • Put together a grid where your photos have elements that overlap.

Finding the content type that makes the most sense for your brand is the first step before creating content around it to see if it succeeds with your audience.

SHOWCASE Your Brand Identity

 Once you have found your clear visual brand identity, you can start to expand on your visual marketing efforts. 


It is important to be CONSISTENT with your posts in order to maintain an aesthetically clear profile that is visually appealing to your audience. Using strong, consistent, on-brand imagery and colours produces higher return on investment for your marketing efforts, more deeply RESONATES with your audience and creates a cohesive and memorable brand experience that will make prospective followers stick around.


If you are working with a hodgepodge of confusing and inconsistent visuals and branding, it is time to make a change and set your visual brand identity.



We hope that this helps you create content that is visually STRONG and aesthetically appeals to prospective followers!



Bonne Media

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