IGTV 101

Instagram video is one of the best new tools a marketer could have.

Video on social media is proving to be the most POWERFUL business asset for gaining new followers, growing your brand, and driving sales. IGTV can be an incredible channel to showcase your business and really REACH your audience. 

All in all, IGTV is where it’s at in the business world.

Here are 4 reasons why IGTV is the HOTTEST growth hack of 2020

Brand Exposure

It is pretty easy to assume that if you log into Instagram right now, the chances that you will see video content within the 10 seconds are pretty high. This happens because video content typically performs BEST with most algorithms, due to it capturing viewers attention for a longer period.

The longer a viewer engages with video content, the more likely an algorithm will boost that content to a larger wide-spread audience, therefore boosting your following and response.

It has been proven that IGTV videos generate MORE engagement than any other content type. It’s time to get in on this!


IGTV is a game-changer for businesses to leverage their video content. Not only does IGTV typically get more engagement than regular Instagram posts, it typically sticks around longer as well.

An IGTV video can be surfaced in people’s Instagram explore page for days, even weeks after it is first published on your account. This gives a consistent drive to your page’s engagement.

Video content encourages more interactions and likes, which makes it stick around and last longer.

Helps Build a Niche Audience With Exclusive Content

People really resonate with IGTV because it is a RELATABLE source that provides content which forms long-term relationships and attracts new followers.

Sharing exclusive content through IGTV with your followers will help you build a dedicated audience. By giving your followers regular doses of appealing insider content, you will help those viewers develop an emotional connection to your business, and make them want to stick around! 

Posting IGTV videos of behind-the-scenes content such as promotions, new products, distribution, social gatherings and events is a quick easy way to get people more involved in what you do. People LOVE to view authentic content.


With IGTV you are given the opportunity to draw more ATTENTION to your videos by cross-promoting them through Instagram Stories, therefore bringing more attention to your profile. 

By Including IGTV links in your stories posts you can give followers a teaser of your content and intrigues them to go watch the full video. 

Another good way to promote your IGTV videos is by sharing through other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter! A simple easy way to increase followers on other outlets as well.

Tip: To find out how your audience responds to your videos, take a look at your IGTV insights, which include engagement and audience retention data. To access insights for a video, open the video and tap ‘View Insights.’

If you’re looking for a team to help integrate IGTV into your business feed, you’re in the right spot! Fill out our contact form to get in touch!


Bonne Media

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