4 Ways to Use Pinterest for Your Business


Pinterest may be one of the best tools you can use to amplify business traffic! Seriously, that’s not an overstatement. Why is Pinterest strategy important? Here’s the deal: when you publish a pin in Pinterest, it lives on and has a longer shelf life than other places on the internet. Someone may find your pin a year down the road and become a DIRECT client/customer. Will that message still make sense? Is it evergreen, meaning it will always be relevant and up to date?

There is an abundance of creative ways to use Pinterest to boost your business, and today we’re going to get into the big 4 that you can simply begin implementing ASAP.

1.Include a link to your website in your Pinterest bio.

It’s important to focus on growing your Pinterest followers and traffic, but it’s even more important to figure out where you want to take them beyond Pinterest. How can you serve them in ways that will lead them off of the app and into a place where they can become a loyal client of yours?

Invite your new followers to interact with you off the app by including a link in your “About Your Profile” section. Include an invitation for them to click through if they want to learn more about you. Ideally this would be a link that would capture their information so that you can continue to serve them through an email list. You can also simply include a link to your website or your Instagram account. Just somewhere they can learn more about you.

2. Take Advantage of the “Shop the Look” Feature

One of our teams’ favorite things about Pinterest is that people who are on the platform are there with an intention to look for things to be inspired by and shop. And Pinterest is SO easy to make SHOP-ABLE!

Because of this, whenever we are talking about products that can be purchased, whether it’s physical products or digital ones, we want to tag them in our pins. To do this, after you bring a pin into Pinterest and it has been published, click on the pin, hover over it, and you’ll see a shopping tag. Click where you want the dot indicating something is for sale, and then link to the URL you’d like to connect to this pin. Select an image for the product, and then you can hit on the plus sign to tag the next two items.

This feature is typically used so that you can take a picture of, say, a kitchen and tag all the products in that image. Another example would be for outfit styling. If you’re a product business, this is something you’re going to want to do. When you click on the shopping tag, you’ll be able to easily choose from products you’ve already pinned in Pinterest, or you can add URLs if you want to link to something you haven’t pinned yet.

3.Repurpose & Reuse Content From Your Other Platforms

Pinterest announced not too long ago that they are prioritizing fresh relevant content over anything else when it comes to distributing pins in the smart feed. Knowing this, a huge part of a great strategy has been to make sure we are bringing in a new pin graphic or image each and every day. 

Content can come in many different forms depending on what industry you’re in or what type of business you run. Chances are, every single day you’re creating content for your audience, but you may not have thought about it as “content.”

Content includes: any words, copy, or posts you are writing for your business to serve and educate your audience or to simply let them into your life and business, including:

  • Facebook posts

  • Instagram posts

  • Instagram Stories

  • YouTube videos

  • Blog posts

  • Email newsletters

  • Podcasts

  • Web updates

Content is what you are putting out into this world from your business, and I’ll bet you’re creating a lot more content than you anticipate! Think through where you’re currently creating content in your business - a blog post, Facebook group, a landing page, products on Etsy, a YouTube video… anywhere you are creating for your business is a great place to look to maximize the number of fresh pins you’re able to pin.

4.Present Your Content in a New Way

While it’s smart to repurpose the content you’re creating for other platforms and old content you’ve created, it’s important to remember the purpose of each platform and the unique audience that’s there, and tailor your content to fit each place.

Pinterest is a place people go to for inspiration and motivation.

Consider this as you create new pins for your content, and think about how you can present your content in a way that will gain attention in a pin.

The key here is to think through how your audience is using Pinterest and create content they will respond to and then taking it further by tuning in to what is performing well and creating more content like that.

A great example of this would be taking your products & organizing them in a way that meets a need. Maybe you have great products for Father’s day, create a graphic guide of top 10 products for Father’s day & link all of your products back to your website to shop!

Or maybe you carry make-up & want to do the top 5 make-up products for the summer!

You’re taking products, and creating a specific inspiration & motivation behind them to make the purchase decision easier for people!

Seriously, is your mind blown? You don’t need to spend hours a day on the platform, but a little strategy goes a long way in using Pinterest to boost your business. Before you know it, your traffic will bloom like spring roses and you won’t believe the simple steps it took to get there.

Need help getting starting? Email us!

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