Social Media - Trends going into 2019

Did you know that 70% of businesses market through social media? It is an incredible opportunity to develop day to day relationships with potential and current clients and customers. If you aren’t taking advantage of this opportunity, Bonne Media would love to help get you set up.

If you are engaged in social media at all, you’d know that creating competitive engaging content is increasingly time consuming and strategic. But it’s not just what you post, but when you post. Let us tell you a little more about that.

Today, let’s focus on Facebook. Fun fact Facebook remains King in social media with more than 1.4 billion daily active users. It’s also the top choice for social media advertising with 93% of markets using the platform regularly.

According to research on Sprout Social:

  • The best times to post on Facebook are Wednesday at noon and 2 p.m. and Thursday at 1 and 2 p.m.

  • Thursday is the best day to post on Facebook in the week.

  • The safest times to post include weekdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

  • Saturday has the least amount of engagement for Facebook in the week.

  • Evenings and early mornings have the least amount of engagement in the day.

When posting your content, make sure it’s not just the right content, but the right time.

Ashley WebberComment