Finding your Voice.

You know those actors, musicians, TV announcers, radio show hosts, or perhaps your parents…. those people who have this distinct voice, with one word you can recognize— it’s THEM.

They are notable,  being able to tell them apart from the crowd (especially your parents) .

When someone’s voice represents them in such a powerful way, it creates this heightened awareness of what they’re saying. Their uniqueness and distinct tone makes it more engaging and easier to connect with them.

As a brand, what does your voice sound like? Have you found it? Is it consistent? Notable? Distinct? Is it enjoyable to listen to and engage with? Is it clear? Can people understand?

When you find your strategic voice as a brand, relationships with clients will become stronger. It’s often the people closest to you, or those that you listen to often, that you can recognize.

Bonne Media can help you discover that voice, your voice. Let’s grab a coffee & chat.

— Ashley

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