Instagram Launches Co-Watching!

Instagram Co-Watching: Browse Instagram with Friends Over Video Chat

Instagram is keeping the world close by releasing a brand new feature that enables people to browse instagram & watch videos T O G E T H E R through video chat!

It’s amazing to see what our technology leaders are reacting with during the global season on pandemic. Go Instagram! You can check out Instagram’s full announcement here! Instagram’s announcement

That’s not all the digital social lite is releasing during COVID-19. There’s the new “Stay Home” sticker and a wider rollout of Instagram’s donation sticker

But let’s get back to this new thing called CO-WATCHING!

What is Co-Watching on Instagram?

Instagram actually had this feature in the works long before C19, but this situation prompted them to work faster and get this released!

“We decided to make it available soon so we could offer more ways for people to come together right now,” an Instagram spokesperson said.

Video-chatting has exploded recently, with highlight feed FULL of lives, friends having zoom parties & musicians having digital concerts! I bet we all wish we bought stocks in Zoom, Skype, and Hangouts before all of this ;) !

How to Use the Instagram Co-Watching Feature

It’s pretty simple! Go to your inbox (where you’d check your DM’s) and tap the video icon in the top right.

Once you’ve connected via video to your friend, check out that photo icon in the bottom left corner!

Voila! Now you can browse live with a friend!

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