5 Social Media Trends on the RISE in 2020

I get asked all the time, “What works best when building the best social media marketing plan?” Social marketing has widely become one of the top ways to market your small to medium sized business and it can be a lot for someone to comprehend. I rounded up what I believe are the top 5 social trends you’re gonna want to jump on. 

  1. Video content

    Today the average person as an attention span of 8 seconds. That’s lower than a goldfish. Businesses have had to totally rewrite and build new strategies to best keep their consumers engaged. When snapchat became increasingly popular, businesses started creating profiles to meet their consumers on their level of entertainment. To keep up with the “Jones’” Instagram added the stories feature. This particular feature has blown up and become widely popular across all generations. Social users are mindlessly scrolling and you have 8 seconds to grab their eye… what are you doing?

    The best thing you can do is jump right on the train. The best part about these videos.. the shorter the better, so they won’t take up too much of your time. When you do your daily morning walk through bring your phone with you, let your followers in on a bit of your day-to-day, tell of any specials you have going on that day, or remind them of your business hours. A N Y T H I N G to stay engaged, in their feed & relevant. Videos are the easiest way to engage with your consumers AND a sure way to catch their eye.

  2. Micro-influencer partnerships

    Who do you turn to when you’re looking to make a decision on a new appliance? Now a days the average consumer trusts the word of a peer over most advertisements. Sure the flashy, fancy ads attract you to the product but every other competitor out there is creating the same flashy ads you are. And people want what OTHER people have. That’s why digital referrals and consumer reviews are amazing!

    Consumer reviews are widely read and trusted so the way you handle those poor reviews can make or break your companies trust worthiness. So, what’s next? What are you to do to stand out in the crowd and remain in good reviews?

    Well, wonder no more. The answer lies within the question. If you can’t stand out in the crowd, join it. Or in this case partner with it. Instagram influencers are becoming a huge asset to local businesses, but not your big named influencers but those micro-influencers with a smaller yet well connected following. 

    The next question you probably have is “How do I know who to choose?” Look for those influencers who have multiple meaningful comments on all of their posts. Those are going to be the ones who are well connected. This is the new form of word of mouth and the best way to get ahead of those bad reviews. 

  3. Authenticity: make it real

    Speak the truth, but not just the truth about your business, but the hard, honest, truth about you and what’s ailing you. Authenticity made a huge push into the social world in 2019 and you better believe that’s what the people wanna see. Get real, show your followers you're human, allow them to relate and empathize with you. They’ll start to trust and resonate with you as a person, and your brand will follow.

    Step out and have those honest conversations about the good times and the struggles of your business. Be bold and show your followers what its really like to run a successful business, it will earn the utmost “RESPECT”.

    In a world of Instagram filters being able to bring a high level of authenticity to your brand speaks wonders to building strong lasting connections with your followers. Don’t forget to show true actual images of your brand.

  4. Social-shopping takes online shopping to the next level!

    Browse, click, buy.. It's as easy as 123. I mean it has been for sometime, but now you can shop while you’re mindlessly scrolling instagram. 

    From paid ads to AR filters and now with help from Shopify businesses can create interactive posts that allow shoppers direct access to your online store. Not only does this drive more traffic to your online store but this will drive up your instagram engagement. Basically it’s a “WIN WIN.”

  5. User generated content

    Looking to grow your online presence? Why not try a campaign that gets followers to create their own content and link it to your brand. This will grow your Instagram reach and make your brand appear trustworthy.

    Look at this way it will save you time thinking up clever captions. All you have to do is create a clever campaign that will get people posting about your brand, products or services, tagging you and let instagram users do the rest. Its the best form of word of mouth!

    Still wondering if this is a good idea? I’ve gathered up a few ”pros” to help you know for sure…

  • They already know and love your brand

  • Builds engagement and strengthens your brand’s community

  • Creates a level of trust among the unsure buyers

  • Its affordable… really affordable!

    So, bottom line here is if you’re looking to grow your brand’s awareness, this will get you exactly what you want!

    We hope you’ve found something here that helps! And always remember, our team would LOVE to work with you and your brand! Contact us for more details.

    The Bonne Media Team

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