Instagram Reels WHAT IS THIS?!? 

Instagram has beefed up their innovation on how to easily share creative video content to your story or feed. If it looks or sounds a little familiar, yes they are definitely trying to capitalize on TikTok’s success and provide an alternative. Already within one of the most popular platform’s in the world, it may just work.  Similar to TikTok, users can record and edit together a 15-second video clip set to music & share to their feed, stories, the new reel tab AND get noticed in the explore page! 

Instagram Reels has it’s own version of the “For You” page which is basically the new Reels Explore Feed! 

If this concept sounds a little familiar, you’re right. Almost everyone is comparing Instagram Reels to TikTok!

Instagram chooses content to feature int the explore page that they feel will entertain and is somewhat related to who you follow and content you engage with. And don’t forget to tap “Use Audio” if you want to hear it! 

There are so many features you can use with REELS. 

  • Add music

  • Timer (control the length of the video clips) 

  • You can record in real time or use videos from your camera roll

  • You can go back and edit before posting 

  • Add stickers and text

  • Apply AR filters or BROWSE EFFECTS

  • Set the cover photo with a video thumbnail or photo from your camera roll 

Brands like LV are killing it with REELS! Check them out for some Inso! 

So what does this look like for B U S I N E S S E S? 

Here are three great ways you can capitalize on REELS for your business. 

Instagram Reels for Business #1: Create Authentic Content that Resonates with Your Audience

Video formats like TikTok and now Reels allow you to get a little light-hearted and authentic without so much pressure. They’re fun and playful and allow you to really show off your personality and your brand’s personality!

Creating Reels will also boost your chances of getting in front of your current audience MORE and new audiences too! Instagram is favouring this content and pushing it to its explore feed as it continues to grow its presence on the platform. 

Instagram Reels for Business #2: Share Educational Content and Showcase Products

This is a FUN way to share interactive educational content — give your followers your top 5 fashion tips, beauty tips, teach them how to get the perfect photo, or show them how to style a blouse in 5 ways.

Take Paris-based food studio, thesocialfood, for example. They only have a few Instagram Reels but they quickly found their niche: sharing recipes with their products. Check out below how they use Reels to highlight their artisanal hot sauce by using it in a quick recipe.

If you’re a product based business, then this is a fun way to showcase your products and get them out there! This will drive awareness and sales!

We hope that was helpful! If you’re looking for a team to help you integrate a digital marketing strategy with all of these innovations and changes day to day— you’re at the right place! Fill out our contact us form to get in touch!


Ashley WebberComment