3 Ways to Grow Your Email List on Instagram!

We often associate GROWTH on Instagram with likes and followers… these are definitely key indicators of growth, but they aren’t the ONLY ways that you can grow your business impact through Instagram. Instagram is a great opportunity to grow your email subscribers! One of the BEST ways to build a deeper connection with your audiences is to take your relationship from IG to their INBOX. ROAR. 

It really is like taking that “next step” in your relationship with customers and potential customers! 

Newsletters help you deliver interesting content that resonates with them (you can even segment what content goes to whom!) and you can control the exact time they’ll receive the content in their inboxes, which is UNLIKE the IG feed that delivers your content to newsfeeds as it sees fit. You also have really great metrics that can help you learn about your audiences like who opens your email! 

Here are 3 ways you can use Instagram to grow your email subscribers!

Include A Call-to-Action in Your Instagram Bio

Your Instagram bio is your chance to give your elevator speech as to who you are and what your IG is all about. It’s a great place to include a CTA. And this CTA can change depending on what you are really focusing on getting people to do. When someone new visits your profile, they’ll read your bio and decide within seconds if they’re going to tap that follow button, so this is important! If you need help curating those few lines, let us know! We’d love to help. 

Back to your “CTA”… Some weeks, your content may focus around subscribing to your email list, so that can be your CTA and link. Other weeks perhaps it will be more of a BOOK NOW or SHOP NOW! But a CTA is a must, and it’s a great way to get people to sign up to subscribe to your emails! 

Make your IG URL a landing page where people can sign up EASILY! 

Whenever you ask anyone to do anything anywhere digitally, you want to make sure the process of them executing it is SUPER EASY. People have short attention spans, and if they have to try to figure it out on their own in any way, you’re probably going to lose a ton of leads. So it’s got to be pretty well baby proofed! When asking people to click the link in your IG bio to subscribe to your email list, you want to either have a Milkshake or Linktree list of links attached to that one link, with one of the options CLEARLY being to subscribe to your email list, or simply have the URL lead to a landing page where they can subscribe to your email list! HOW? Well, if you have a website, you can always have a page dedicated to email signups, or if you’re using a mail app like mailchimp or flodesk, they should have options where you can create an email subscriber landing page that will directly upload the subscribers to your list! Need more help? Shoot us an email or DM! 

Promote Your Newsletter on Instagram Stories, IGTV, and Have an Incentive to Subscribe! 

There are so many tools and avenues within Instagram to promote and grow your email list — like your feed posts, Instagram Stories, IGTV and Instagram Reels! ALL THE THINGS! We encourage you to use all of them, perhaps not at the same time, but strategically! This is the best way to cover your bases with how your audience may vary in how they like to consume their Instagram content. It’s also a GREAT idea to incentivize this decision for your audience, give them a HOOK! Why should they subscribe, I mean other than it being an awesome newsletter? For example…

  •    A coupon or special offer for subscribers

  •    A free download or worksheet

  •    A challenge

  •    A mini-course

  •    A free sample

Those are just a few ways you can start to grow your email subscriber list via Instagram! We hope it was helpful and we’d love to help you FURTHER! Shoot us an email or DM to get started!

Ashley WebberComment