Is content planning for your business page on your to-do list for fall?

It should be! Planning ahead is your best way to make sure something happens. We like the saying, “PLAN IT → POST IT → PROFIT!” Here are some ways you can PLAN ahead, to ensure you post it, and bottom line… PROFIT.

Schedule Your Posts

Scheduling your story and feed posts ahead of time helps ensure they will be published to Instagram without a hitch. Having posts and stories ready to go saves time, attracts more followers, increases traffic and sales and also drives better results with your Instagram and Facebook stories. No clunky workarounds—just seamless publishing. One of our FAV scheduling tools is LATER. If you’d like a consultation on how to use it-- shoot us a DM! We’d love to help.

Engaging Your Followers and Finding the Best Time to Post

In an analyzed study, 12 million Instagram posts showed that the best time to post on Instagram is between 9am-11am EST

When posting on Instagram or on Instagram stories, you want to post at a time when most people are scrolling through their feeds, in order to engage a target audience.

But is that the best time to post on Instagram for your business?

In general, this is a great guideline, but it’s important to find out exactly when YOUR unique audience is most active. Things like Instagram Analytics or more in depth planning tools like LATER can help you identify these times, even by the DAY, and auto schedule your posts to go live then! 

As with every Instagram account, there is always a unique audience and with having followers located all around the globe it is important to find your own personalized time to post on socials. 

News Feed Versus Stories

In 2020, if you aren’t using Instagram stories for your business, you could be missing out on a huge opportunity. Instagram stories provide a 24-hour window where you can easily post and connect with your followers on a more personal level. Instagram stories also offer cool interactive features like one click polls, questionnaires and interactive stickers that encourage more engagement from your followers. People are going the “story tap through”, just as much OR MORE than they’re doing a feed scroll.

It can be difficult, at times, to decide whether a post is feed-relevant, or, alternatively, stories-worthy. It’s the day in age we live in to say, “WHY NOT BOTH!” We want it all, we suggest you give your audience both options. They have different pros & cons, but both are essentials for well rounded IG engagement.

Your news feed is great for posts you want a larger variety of audience to see, for a longer amount of time. Stories only last for 24-hours while posts remain forever, drawing in a larger audience discovering and viewing your post. Many brands build a strategy around their feed being the face of the company so it’s important that your grid content is making a great first impression through it’s copy & visuals.

Holidays & Promotions

Have you taken the necessary time to research and plan content around holiday seasons? There are hundreds of ways you can increase your engagement & sales by correlating your business offerings with holidays & celebrations! Whether it be thanksgiving, fall, national coffee day, national best friends day, Christmas or New Years, there’s always a creative promotion you can run that people will see as a MUST HAVE for that particular holiday or celebration. This takes PLANNING ahead. Get the calendar out, google research what holidays are coming up this month that can give you a unique marketing angle. 

 Planning is key around holiday times especially that of CHRISTMAS which is right around the corner. 

 Social media strategy is easily neglected during the busy holiday season of family gatherings and holiday parties. It is a great opportunity to reach out to existing followers and acquire new ones to drive sales over the holidays. By pre-planning and scheduling your content ahead of time, you don’t have to worry about compromising your own holiday fun, or the day to day logistics of running your business at the busiest time of year! There’s walk in traffic, service providing, order fulfillment, customer service-- it’s BUSY!

When posting about an upcoming promotion, it is important to be prepared and plan ahead as you want to ensure you have all inside details finalized prior to posting. Posting promotions on your Instagram feed is a great way to retrieve followers as the platform is still producing higher engagement rates for businesses compared to both Twitter and Facebook.

According to a recent study, 72% of Instagram users report making a purchase decision after seeing something posted on their Instagram feed, hence why it is so important to have this content pre-planned and all details ready and finalized to go!

We hope that these content planning tips will get you ahead of the game and increase your profile’s engagement and growth rate! Do you have questions? Looking for some assistance & support on what implementation looks like for your business? We’d LOVE to hear from you. Shoot us an email at !


Bonne Media

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