Did you know that 50% of IG users watch videos with their volume off?

So how do we optimize content so people can still effectively consume video without volume? We’ve all been there where we’re in a public space that isn’t exactly conducive to listening to a video, but we’ve got some extra time to do a little scroll. What then?

Use the Instagram Threads App to Automatically Add Captions to Your Videos 

Okay you might be thinking…. IG Threads? What is that? It was actually launched a while back and didn’t gain too much traction, but still exists as a platform similar to <<What’s APP >> that allows you to communicate in smaller communities or groups of people on IG! They continued adding neat features to the app, including the ability to auto-caption videos! WHAT A TIME SAVER! Not to mention, this also creates inclusive content for the LARGE percentage of the population who have a hearing impairment.

Follow these easy steps to add captions to your Instagram Stories.

Step #1:  Install “Threads from Instagram”.

Step #2: Open the app. When you open Video Notes, click “Try it” to see it in action.

Step #3: Record a video while you talk, then wait a few seconds for the auto-captioning to appear.

TIP: You can also upload an existing video from your camera roll — Threads will still generate captions from your pre-recorded video!

Step #5: Share it with your Close Friends directly from Threads, or push the download button to save it to your phone. You can upload and share your Threads video just like any other video to both your Instagram Stories and your feed!


We hope that helps you create content that is MOST effective, communicative AND inclusive for your followers!


Bonne Media

Ashley WebberComment