Identifying Ideal Client 101

If you only ever dream of working with Sephora, well then why is your marketing targeting no-name brand buying baby boomers? I mean no offence, but if your grandma isn’t your ideal client then you need to rethink your messaging.

These days, you need to MORE than just kinda know about your ideal client. This is important for creating a brand and marketing strategies that speak directly to your target audience.

In terms of your business, your ideal client is the person’s whose needs you are meeting with your services, products and offers. Are you targeting the people you would LOVE to work with right now? Are you serving the people who truly value what you do and would choose you because you are YOU? Those are your people you want in your corner and the people that you need to be serving with valuable content, resources and love over and over again. Those are your people that will convert to your ideal consumer and customer, over and over again.

If you still unsure who your ideal client would be, here are some tips for figuring that out. Brain dump everything down so you can sort through everything to get so crystal clear on who your ideal client is. But think less about the unicorn side of them and more about who would be a perfect fit. Think: “who you are and who you love working with the most and who they are” all mushed together in a big love triangle.

Who is your dream client?

Who was your favourite client you’ve ever had? What did you love most about working with them? What about them did you vibe with? What about them did you value? What did they do to make you feel most valued?

Where do they live? What stage of life are they in? What does their typical day look like?

This is so important because the more you know them to a T, the more powerful your marketing strategies will be to target them in your business. Whatever you are doing, think of them.

Are you solving their problem? Are you serving them? Are you adding value to their lives?

After all, they are your business WHAT you are doing, HOW you are keeping it going, and WHY you are able to do what you love.

Here are some bonus tips for connecting and building trust with your ideal client, now that you know who your ideal clients are:

  • You know them & what their problems are, so position yourself as the solution to their problem.

  • Clearly communicate the transformation you will help provide them with, while evoking that feeling you want them to feel.

  • Personalize your content by sharing your brand values, mission, goals and things you love to build that connection with them.

  • Share past testimonials from those clients that you loved working with most, to demonstrate your work and make them feel like you are the one to solve all their problems too.

  • Talk about your own personal and professional journey overcoming the struggles they are currently facing, and how you can support them in overcoming them too.

We hope this helps you gain clarity on what who your ideal client is and how you can reframe your marketing strategies to reframe how you are serving them and boost your sales as a result! If you have been super successful in speaking to your ideal client and have any other tips that worked for you, we’d love to hear in the comments below!


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