The Importance of Branding on Social Media

Your branding is your business card. When someone stumbles upon any of your business collaterals - think business card, website, IG feed - you have 2.7 seconds to catch their attention. There is no room for fluff, no cohesiveness or BS. Your branding has to be more than good.

So often we think that branding is only all about these things:

  1. Visual aesthetic - similar colours, fonts and layout compositions that create consistency and cohesiveness while showcasing your business.

  2. Voice - tone that you use to relay your brand message and connect with your audience.

Now it’s important to remember that building a brand is so much more than designing a logo with all of those things. It’s about telling a visual story that evokes a feeling. It’s all about how you make people feel.

What’s your story? What are you trying to tell the people? What do you want them to feel when they experience your brand? What connection do you want to make with them?

Your branding is your visual story. Are you telling a good one?

Even more, good branding creates strong brand recognition. It creates a long lasting, memorable and recognizable connection that makes people come back to them again and again. It’s all about them seeing something that you created and connecting the dots.

If you are needing support with your branding or have any specific questions on branding for your business, make sure to connect with us here! If branding has up levelled your business, we would love to hear more how in the comments below!


Bonne Media

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