5 Favourite Must-Have Business Tools


Making sure your brand is consistent and cohesive, while your business is organized and automated can be incredibly overwhelming - we know! We also know there are a million different programs, tools and apps all advertised to do the same planning, creating and sharing your business to the world. We promise you, you don’t need them all!

Here are our 5 must-have, use every day, couldn’t run our business without tools:

1. Canva - We love and use Canva for all of our design needs! It is so simple to use with their easy-to-edit design templates where you just need to select your own font, colour scheme, photos and text to quickly plug into your design for Instagram posts, Facebook posts, blog posts and so much more. We promise that you don’t have to be a graphic design expert to create high quality designs here!

2. Lightroom - This is by far our mot favourite photo editing app and bonus, it’s free to download! By saving, applying and adjusting any preset, you can easily edit photos to be cohesive with your brand’s aesthetic with just the touch of an iPhone. Really, it’s that easy!

3. Later - Now that you have some graphic designs and beautifully edited photos in your back pocket, you need an app to plan the layout of all of your Instagram posts. Later is our go-to app for planning out our feed to make sure it is cohesive and consistent with our brand, while also scheduling all of our posts ahead of time so our whole process is automated. Although this app isn’t free, it is worth every penny!

4. Basecamp - This is where our team hangs out and communicates about everything, everyday! This platform is essential for businesses with multiple team members working on multiple tasks and projects, and it’s simple to keep track of everything that everyone is doing. 

5. Google Calendar - Literally everything is in our Google calendars, everything! Client meetings, team meetings, personal appointments, batch working sessions for specific tasks - putting it all together in our calendar helps us make sure that everything gets done! 

We truly couldn’t imagine running this business without using each of these programs every single day, but we would love to know of any others that you love for your business! Let us know in the comments below!


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