4 Tips For Boosting Your Productivity This Holiday Season & Always

Do you ever feel like you have a million tabs open, your to-do list is never-ending and you are being pulled in every direction all at once?

All while you seem to be doing the same things over and over again without any real results? Does the thought of Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the hustle and bustle of the holidays already have your mind spinning? How will I ever do it all? We know this season is a BIG DEAL for e-commerce businesses and we want to help you up your productivity to up your business game, and in turn up your revenue goals - win-win!

Here are some of our go-to tips and tricks for boosting your productivity and make the most of this season:


Sort your to-do list by choosing specific days each week that you will work on similar tasks all grouped together. This means if for whatever block of time you are dedicating to working on a task, you are ONLY working on that task, that’s it. Head down and get it done! For example, sometimes our team likes to break up our week like this: one day we only have strategy meetings with clients and the next day we strictly create content for clients, while another day is specifically for completely any admin tasks. Trust us, this sort of work ethic will significantly boost your concentration on getting everything done, one category off your to-do list at a time! 


We love creating systems, systems, systems - for everything! Setting up systems for every aspect of your business, big and small, helps you stay way more organized and makes sure that you aren’t ever repeating the same task over and over again for no reason. For example, whether it’s on boarding a new client, creating a specific document for a client or even invoicing, we always recommend creating systems for these tasks. Although creating these systems may take some time at the very beginning, having templates for all things and a specific way of doing things will save you so much time (and sanity) moving forwards!


- Set boundaries with your devices. With your phone this means going into your settings to turn off notifications - goodbye distractions, hello work mode! 

- Set boundaries with yourself. This means that when you are totally-in-the-zone working, you are totally-in-the-zone working (on similar tasks together, of course). But even more, when you have set a time to not be working anymore, you are not working! We know this may be difficult at first if you set office hours from 9-5 to not check your client emails after 5, but once you are in a rhythm of this you will wish you did this sooner. This will not only help you set up some boundaries between your personal and business life, but it will make you that much more in-the-zone when you are working your office hours. 


Seek support for the tasks in your business that you don’t love, know nothing about or that seem to take up lots of your time for no good reason. Whether it be keeping track of analytics, accounting, web management, marketing strategy or business campaigns, there are so many people out there that love and are an expert in these tasks! All of a sudden you will feel more productive in doing the tasks that you do love, while knowing someone else is being most productive in loving doing the tasks for you that you don’t. While we are at it, if there is EVER a task that you feel you need a little extra support with let us know, we would love to take that off your hands!

We hope that you will be able to take some of these tips to boost your productivity and your overall business as a result! If you have any other productivity rituals, we would love to hear in the comments!


Bonne Media

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