Things You Need to Be Posting to Make More Sales

Did you know that over 80% of Instagram users look to Insta BEFORE they make a buying choice? AND, almost everyone on Instagram follows businesses on there as well?

It’s clear that Instagram sees itself as a convenient sales tool, with 2021 set out to bring a whole new focus on ECOMMERCE on the platform. If some people are hitting their money goals, and you are struggling to make sales, what you’re posting could be the answer!

Here are the types of content that you DEFINITELY need to have on rotation in order to increase your sales on Insta:

Relevant Educational/Value Content

You’ve more than likely already heard that one of the BEST ways to build trust and show that you know what you’re talking about is to share VALUABLE content that will help your ideal audience in one way or another.

There’s a little bit more to it than that - the educational content that you’re sharing needs to be something that your audience can try to get a quick WIN for themselves. 

For example, if you’re a hairdresser, post a cool graphic of a hairstyle your audience can try at home!

REMEMBER: It also needs to stay relevant to what you sell, and that’s especially important if you are an online service! You always want to be piquing people’s curiosity and interest in a unique but RELATED area. 

‘You’ Content

Chances are, no matter what your business is, there are probably others out there that have similar business ideas. So, how do you stand out and get people to choose YOU to buy from? It’s simple, share you!

Your personality, your values, where you came from and approach will be the little things that set you apart from others who offer similar services!

As a business owner it can be tempting to hide behind the camera and behind your brand, but unless you already have a large audience who know and love you, you’ll slow your growth and overall sales if you don’t show yourself and who you are.

Here’s a goal for you: Aim to feature something personal about yourself on the grid at least once every five posts, and in your stories as well! If you have a team for your brand, feature different members! Throw the SPOTLIGHT on your staff!

Social Proof

Social media gives everyone the opportunity to start a business, but it has its downsides as well. Almost everyone online will have some awareness of scams, and a lot of people are cautious about buying from businesses that they aren’t familiar with. 

While showing yourself and educational content will help build trust with your audience, you also need to use social proof to maximise it!

This could be in the form of sneak peeks of products, testimonials and reviews from your customers or clients, anything that shows you are good at what you do! 

Promotional Content

Are you stuck in a business sales rut? People do enjoy what you’re posting but don’t always purchase from you? You need to make sure that your audience knows exactly WHAT you are selling, and HOW they can buy. There’s no need to go too over the top with promoting, but give your audience the information that they need! 

Mix it up - use active and passive promotions, sell across various platforms, but ensure that is always a part of your content mix if you want to make continuous sales.

Are you looking for more insight into marketing and selling on online platforms? Reach out! We’re always happy to help.


Bonne Media

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