3 Ways to Get More Eyes on Your Next Post

Have you ever been in a position where you write a great post and then...nothing?

Well, you’re not alone!

Some posts no matter what you do will just fall flat, and your insights can usually tell you why! BUT, there are a few things that you can do in order to boost how many people will see your posts, without paying for ads!

Here’s our tips to getting more eyes on your next post:

Think AUDIENCE First

In order to create content that your audience LOVES and engages with, you first need to know who your audience REALLY is. Do you know who they are as a person? What their problems, dreams and goals in life are? Do you know how your product or service you offer plays in?

When you know your IDEAL audience well, you can then create content that they will WANT to see and know and engage with. You csn create content and posts that they want to see, and then they will do the hard work for you!


One you know for sure that your content is really hitting the mark, the next best way to get it in FRONT of people is to ENGAGE!

Social media platforms generally want to keep people on the platform, so they will therefore reward those who help them to do that!

If you are lucky enough to already be receiving comments on your posts right when you post them, make sure you reply to them as quickly as you can, get the conversation to keep going! If you are not yet attracting comments on your posts, then you need to find your ideal audience - comment on their posts, and they will be sure to check out your content as well!

Hot tip: Hashtags are a great way to find others with similar interests and content as you!

Try timing your posts around the same time as you are engaging on other accounts’ posts, this will make them more likely to see your feed!

Use the Right #Hashtags

Hashtags are BIG on Instagram, useful on LinkedIn and always working on Facebook. Hashtags are a VERY important part of getting your account found. On Insta, you want to use a range of predominantly small and medium sized hashtags which relate strongly back to your post and target audience for your brand. 

Hashtags are the perfect place for people with like-minded interests to discover your brand and profile in general. Take advantage!

Looking for more tips & tricks on the ins and outs of hashtags? Check out our previous Bonne Media Blog!

Now, it’s time to build and grow your audience! Remember, a small, hyper-engaged audience is always better than a larger one that you don’t connect with!


Bonne Media

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