Tips for Supercharging Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social media slowly made its way into our lives until it became the focal point of our lives.

Businesses and brands have taken notice and social media slowly became the way we do marketing.

The benefits are ENDLESS with a well-executed social media strategy! Increased brand awareness, growing your audience, connecting with your audience, increased website traffic, increased sales, the positive possibilities of a KILLER social media strategy are endless. 

Here are our ways to SUPERCHARGE your social media marketing strategy and give it a boost:

Research and LEARN About Your Audience 

CONNECTING and ENGAGING with your audience is crucial in today’s marketing world if you want to make a profit. In order to do that, you need to understand your audience - inside and out!

If having a successful social media strategy is your overall goal, then you need to be able to pinpoint your followers’ needs and wants.

Here’s how you can better understand and engage with your audience:

  • Take part in conversations and reply to all comments or questions on your social media platforms

  • Collect feedback

  • Look carefully at their demographics

People LOVE when brands and businesses feel relatable and actually connect with them through comments and messages.

This is a VITAL step in building your brands profile.


Holding a solid plan including both objectives and goals for your business is IMPERATIVE if you want to boost your social media strategy and appearance. 

If you don’t know what you want for your brand, how will you achieve it?

You need to have STRONG goals to begin with if you want to evolve your social media strategies over time. Your social media goals should align with your overall marketing efforts!

Hot Tip: WRITE down your goals! According to a study, you are 30% more likely to be successful if you write your goals down.

Once your goals are set, make them ATTAINABLE and break them down into smaller action tips so they are easy for you to reach deadlines. 

Craft Your Social Media Content CAREFULLY

Each and every piece of content you are posting on your brand’s social media should be carefully thought-out. Never post something just for the sake of posting something! 

Depending on the social network you are posting on, you need to learn the various purposes of each separate network.

LinkedIn - A professional network that is great for business networks.

Facebook - Great for news and entertainment related content, great for holding contests.

Instagram - Perfect for visual content, photos and short videos work incredibly well to drive audience members to your profile.

Pinterest - Highly visual, brings audience members to your website or other social platforms. 

Run Contests to AMP Up Your Social Media Strategy

Successful social media contests are one of the most ALLURING tactics you can use. Social media contests are a fun way to bring people to your page and get your brands name shared out!

Offering a giveaway on your page gets your brand’s name out there and is a fun way to share your services or a product with a winner!

Take ADVANTAGE of Video Content on Your Profile

Over the past year, video content has become POTENT on Instagram. Especially in social media marketing. If you haven’t already been using video content on your brand’s profile, it’s time to jump on that bandwagon ASAP!

Live videos, IGTV, Reels, Instagram Stories, they are all great! Videos are a great way to connect with your audience and give them a glimpse into faces behind the brand!

While social media marketing can be hard work, the benefits are KILLER. If you’re looking for help with boosting your brand’s social media profiles, we are here! Reach out!


Bonne Media

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