Quick Tips to Improve Your Social Media Captions

Your photos may stop the scroll on social media, but it’s your CAPTION that will compel your audience to take ACTION.

The right caption makes the WORLD of a difference to your post performance, and how people will portray and respond to your brand.

Here’s our tips on improving your social media captions:

Remember Your PURPOSE

Before you begin to write your post, think about what you are trying to ACCOMPLISH with that particular post. 

Are you introducing yourself to new followers? Promoting a new product? Showcasing the services that your business offers? Always keep the END GAME in mind, and your caption will appear much stronger.

When people are scrolling social media, they are searching for posts that stand out and do something for them. As people scroll they are subconsciously looking for content that helps them in some way, whether that’s boosting their mood or inspiring them, be clear what need your post is fulfilling!

Use an Intriguing Hook

The first sentence of your caption needs to be enticing to your audience in order to have them stop and read the rest. Start with a BOLD statement, a question, or something silly that your ideal customer will understand! 

Hot Tip: Emojis and power words are a great way to stand out!

Captions are a natural, effortless way to create initial connections with your followers. Infuse your personality and make sure your captions sound like you! Afterall, YOU are your biggest differentiator from similar brands or businesses.

Always Have a Call to Action!

Every single post you share should finish up with a direction back to your audience. You don’t always need to make direct sales pitches asking for people to buy from you, mix it up!

Ask questions, encourage people to like and share your posts, direct people to check out your blog or website, just make it CLEAR and SIMPLE. 

Looking for more tips on how to use social media effectively? We are here to help!


Bonne Media

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