I'm stuck at 1,500. Sound like you?

“I’m stuck at 1500!” — I hear this time and time again from business owners with small to medium sized businesses. And it’s true, it’s a common hump you’ve got to STRATEGIZE over digitally. Here are 3 ways to start growing your following organically on social media and start blasting through your engagement goals.

#1: Optimize Your Name & Bio with Hashtags & Keywords!

The first step to getting discovered on Instagram Search is to optimize your Instagram name! 

Your Instagram bio is searchable, and completely customizable and separate to your Instagram handle. So think, what would someone search to perhaps find your content, what key words match your vision, products and services.


And not only keywords, but you can add hashtags that are clickable that boost your chances of appearing not just in search results but if someone searches for the hashtag too!

This is not only a great way to let your new followers know exactly what your brand is about, but also a trigger for Instagram to know when to display you in search results. 

AND did you know, that those hashtags that are clickable in your bio, actually open up to a feed of photos that have been posted with that hashtag. Here’s an idea, have one hashtag that is unique to your business that isn’t being overly used, or used at all by someone else, and encourage your customers and clients to use it too! Then, place it in your bio, people can click it, and land on a feed of all of the posts ever posted by you or others using that hashtag!

#2: Add a Location Tag to All Your Posts (Including Stories!) 

When you add a location tag to your posts, you stand a better chance at appearing in the search results of that location. And that’s for posts and stories! How? Well, if a user taps on the Places tab on the Search page, your post may appear top of the grid depending on the popularity and timeliness of your post! This helps your account increase views, engagement and potential followers, relevant to your location!

#3: Use Hashtags in All Your Posts (and Stories, Again!) 

Did you know that just ONE hashtag can increase your engagement on average 12.6% more than posts without a hashtag.

Why? You appear in search results! Hashtags are like SEO for google. Do it up!

And just like location tags, a hashtag has a special Instagram Stories button too — so you can watch any live stories posts that have been tagged with that hashtag.

We hope this helps! Get started with these 3 simple integrations that you can make today!

— Your dream marketing team

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