Do you set New Year’s resolutions each year? Have you been able to keep up with them or have they dropped off? It’s hard to maintain goals without a purpose behind the goals. Although we may have good intentions about meeting these goals, without a vision behind why they need to be met, it can be hard to keep pursuing them with all we have. Setting a vision for your year can help to achieve your goals.

Vision helps set the path to achieving your goal.

Whether you are a business owner, student or just wanting to win at life, take time this week to set a vision for the next little bit. We all go through seasons. Maybe this season is the rest of 2019, maybe it can be for the next month. Sit down with your favourite cup of coffee, some motivating music and give yourself some time to set the vision for the next season. What do you want to accomplish and why is it important to accomplish these goals?

Vision limits distractions

When you have a set vision for your season, it minimizes the distractions that may come your way. You now have a focus on what you need to do and why you need to do it and so old distractions become less important to you. Share your vision with someone you trust (friend, colleague, or partner) and allow them to hold you accountable to achieving your vision for your season.

 Bonne Media can help you find the vision for your next season! We can help you come up with achievable goals and a purpose to those goals. Let’s set up a time to grab a coffee and chat about the vision for your season! 

— Abby Langlois Bonne Media Intern

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