
You’ve probably found yourself looking at your photos thinking something along the lines of; this will do, it’s good enough, OR I’ll just grab a stock photo, or something off Pinterest… yeah we’ve all been there. Can I tell you something though? As a professional photographer I can tell you… it’s not enough to be “just good enough”. That’s why I here to talk to you about photographs, you and your unique brand and how you can market yourself to stand out.

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Visual communications can make ALL the difference in your marketing and branding strategies. High quality and consistent photographs are essential to branding your business, whether you sell a product or a service. Photographs help communicate and connect with your audience in a way text alone can’t. Did you know that as humans we can only recall 10% of information after hearing about it 3 days before… BUT incorporating an image in with that text can improve our recall by 65%!

Photographs are an incredible tool, if used correctly. How well you use your photographs and visual elements determines much of how your business will succeed. In an over saturated visual market, you can’t just rely on your overused stock images to push you ahead, you need something unique to you. Something that will show people who you are or what your company or service is all about. When it comes to photos in marketing your brand they HAVE to be personalized to you, otherwise you’ll become just another company trying to sell us something.   

So let’s talk about how and why photography and unique visuals can help you and your business grow your audience and your sales.

1. Photographs Grab your Attention

We are visual creatures, we’re drawn to beautiful and creative things - another fun fact for you, a photograph or a visual element will boost a viewer's interest in your post by 80%!

Which makes the quality and consistency of your photographs to be that much more important. You have about 8 seconds to grab and hold onto someone’s attention before they move onto the next photo or post if you have a beautiful image, you’re post or link is more likely to be clicked on.

     2. Photographs Improve the Viewers Understanding

Our brains can only process so much at one time, so when you have a well composed image that points the viewer in the right direction of who you are it speeds up their processing time and makes your communications that much more clear.

Over 90% of human communication is visual, as a company you HAVE to tap into that. Consumers have a small attention span, they want fast information, and that’s exactly what a photograph can do for them.

     3. Consistency in Your Photographs Establishes Trust

Just like our personal appearances, how we take care of ourselves tells those around us just how much we CARE. When you are consistent in providing your viewers with high quality visuals it tells them one important thing. YOU CARE. You care about the details, and you are mindful of what you put out into the world, therefore you’re going to be mindful about the product or service you’re selling, and this, helps people trust you more quickly.

    4. Elicits An Emotional Connection

What’s the saying? “A picture is worth a thousand words” - it’s cliche I know, BUT it’s true! Photographs have the incredible power of telling a whole story in a split second, and there’s no easier way to connect with your audience then through a split second story, and although most of us try to be analytical with our purchases, it’s often our emotions that win in the influence of our purchasing decisions.

    5. Photographs Drive Action

How often have you found yourself clicking the sponsored ads on your instagram or facebook, only then to find yourself scrolling through more products. For me it happens then I care to admit, but it’s always because I saw a photograph that I fell in love with ad thought; Dang! I need that! As mentioned, we are drawn to beautiful visuals.

Having high quality photographs help your audience see themselves using your service or product, it lets them have a glimpse into how you and your product or service will make their lives better! People are more drawn to follow through with your ad when it’s backed with a high quality photograph then just text alone because of this.

Now that you have all this information you’re probably wondering how do you manage all this, what are you supposed to do with all this information? Well that’s where we come in! We’d love to sit down with you and learn all about your brand mission and work with you to capture unique and consistent photos for you that are curated for your unique online personality!  

— Allison Smith
Resident Photographer Videographer

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