Being a mom is a balancing act in and of itself. Add working and running a business to the mix, and it can be a full blown circus. Although it can be a lot of work, it has been my most rewarding role.

Naturally, being a mom is the best job in the world. A have a 3.5 year old daughter who is super cute, super loud and full of energy (seriously, she never sits down). Naturally, I’d love to spend all my time with her and be the Pinterest mom of my dreams, but financially that’s not realistic. This past winter I turned my passion into a business venture by starting a home bakery - Confetti Bake Co. This is all in addition to my regular 9-5 job.

Juggling this new business, working my regular 9-5, being a mom and wife, having friends and as close to a social life, as well as my own person has been A LOT. I’m not going to lie - I’ve struggled, lost sleep and had a few tears. But I have learned a few things along this journey.

  1. Organize

I like to think of myself as being organized where it counts. My number one tip is to find what works for you! It could be a planner, notes in your phone, sticky notes. Whatever! Just find what works and stick to it. I love a super cute planner to keep my life in order but I also use my phone for on-the-go access.

2. Prioritize

You need to figure out what’s important and do that first. This goes along with organizing. Figure out everything you have to do - I mean EVERYTHING. Then figure out what needs to be done now and what can wait. This goes for family life and with business. Sometimes laundry can wait if it means spending quality time together as a family. NOTE - even if it’s not an immediate priority, doesn’t mean you can ignore it forever. It’s gotta happen at some point.

3. t’s okay to say no

This one’s tough. As a mom, we feel the pressure do to it all and do it well. But this is a complete lie! YOU CAN SAY NO! You don’t have to take on every job, and go to every event or every party and offer to being the snacks. If you’re saying yes to anything and everything, you will definitely burnout. It’s all about balance. Don’t feel guilting for having to turn something down. It’s about being responsible and knowing your limits.

4. Don’t forget about yourself

This is a big one. Sometimes when we have kids, they’re your number one priority and you completely forget about who you are as a person. For awhile I only referenced myself as “Savannah’s mom” but never as Devonnie. We need to step back and ask “Who am I? What do I enjoy? What makes me happy”. In balancing everything else that’s going on, take some time to enjoy sometime you like, whether that be a hobby or just some alone time in the bath. Watch that show on Netflix and enjoy it! Your self care is also important and it’s absolutely necessary to prioritize that.

— Devonnie Bonne Media Intern

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