I quit.

And I have to caveat, for any of my colleagues that may be reading this, I love you all, and I had a fantastic time and team. Sometimes we’ve just got to follow our hearts!

Sometimes you have to say no to a good thing, in order to say yes to your dream.

If you’re anything like my mom you’re re-reading that sentence with a dropped jaw. (Love you mom)

Yes, my safe, salaried, job with a reputable company with great benefits, I quit.

But sometimes you have to release one thing, so that you can receive another.

I remember once I was dating a guy who wasn’t for me, and this is totally wrong, but I kind of had the mindset that if someone better for me came along, I’d still see them and at that point could stop dating one person and go date the other. I know. Horrible haha. BUT come on ladies I am SURE some of you have been in that dating scenario.

Obviously that’s not how life works.

My dad always told me in that season, “you can’t receive something if your hands are full with something else. They have to be open and available.”

So dad, thanks—your relationship advice helped me not only meet the man of dreams who I’m about to marry, but years later also helped me make a decision to quit my job (ha-ha, he won’t necessarily like that :P)

But in all seriousness, I have often said growing up that I wanted to be Joyce Meyers. Not sure who she is? Google.

She is a firey passionate leader, speaker, author, mentor, all around gospel preaching life inspirational woman, wife and mom. And she’s 69 and STILL going. So I figure she’ll soon retire and I’ll have to take over. LOL.

But I have long had a passion inside my heart to spend the majority of my time speaking, writing, and creating content to inspire others’ to live their best lives, the fullest live, full of faith hope and love. A life chasing after all that GOD has for them.

So that is what I’m going to do. I am going to be volunteering a whole lot more at my amazing church, Slate Church, I am going to be kicking off VLOGS and a podcast in the fall, all geared to inspire others to live the best life possible as we learn and grow together. I want to emphasize the learning and growing together, because of course, I am by NO MEANS an expert haha. I’m equally as human with my meltdowns, and mistakes and needs of pick me ups and ice cream tubs and PMSing. But I have a desire to give each day the best I’ve got, and I want to bring others on that journey with me, so that together we can live our best lives.

I’m also excited to say that in conjunction with all that good stuff I will be running my media company, Bonne Media full time! I will be working with my current clients to really enhance their community presence, connect with the right audiences and bring all you folks great products and services that also inspire and help you live your best life. From beauty to food to plumbing, we’ve got a great variety of personalities on the client roster and are excited to add more! Only requirement--- be looking to add value to people’s lives.

I can hardly believe I’m doing it, but I’m doing it. Is it a risk—YES. Is it exciting—YES. Am I sure? YES.

Funny thing is, I’ve known that I was supposed to do this for a long time. About 2.5 years ago I was sitting in the basement living room of my pastors, and I was telling them how I knew in my heart I was supposed to quit my job, and pursue more speaking, writing and ministry opportunities. But then I didn’t. I played it safe. I did the “responsible” thing.

And now 2+ years later. Nothing has changed with that. I still knew what I was supposed to do. And now I’m FINALLY doing it. And I had the same conversation with my same pastors a few weeks ago. (Thanks for sticking with me guys :P )

Sometimes it takes us awhile to take what we know we’re supposed to do in our hearts, and make it a reality through our actions. Sometimes we know that God has spoken to us about something in our lives, but we try and pretend we didn’t hear it. Our hesitancy and stubbornness only delay the promise that God has for us on the other side of our obedience. And it delays the rest of the world from getting to benefit from what it is you’re supposed to do. This could play out in a simple relationship of knowing you’re supposed to encourage someone, or forgive someone, right to whether or not you’re suppose to make a huge career decision or buy or sell a house.

Seek God’s direction and voice through prayer and listening, look to His word, seek the Holy Spirit and wise council. And when you know in your heart of hearts that you’re supposed to do something…

In the words of NIKE, Just Do It!

I love this bible verse:

I will HURRY without DELAY to OBEY your commands. Psalm 119:30

I’m so excited to share some hopefully inspiring content with you all soon! And hey—if you’re a business looking to market yourselves in authentic relational ways through digital media in order to add VALUE to the lives of others, HIT ME UP!



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