Instagram Features Perfect for Small Businesses

Big or small, there are tons of great Instagram features available on Instagram perfect for small businesses to help you GROW online!

Whether your goal is to strengthen your community, increase your brand’s awareness, or increase e-commerce sales, there’s an Instagram feature out there for all your goals!

Instagram Shopping

If you run a business that relies on selling products, Instagram’s shopping features are for you.

Instagram has recently been stepping UP their Instagram shopping game and are continually creating innovative e-commerce features to support businesses on the app.

Instagram shoppable posts make it fool proof for people to shop featured items by viewing ‘tagged’ products in posts. Instagram Stories also unveiled product stickers that are tappable and give shoppers the opportunity to shop from there!

It’s that easy - click, shop, and DONE!

We can’t forget about Instagram Checkout, customers can shop products and complete the payment process without ever having to leave the Instagram app. Game changer!

Link in Bio

While Instagram’s ‘link in bio’ is an amazing feature for brands that are looking to drive traffic from the app, it is often underutilized.

The link in your bio is super easy to find and promote as it is one of the first thing’s people see when looking at your profile. This makes it one of the most valuable TRAFFIC-DRIVERS on your Instagram profile.

There are tools out there that can help you get even more out of the link in your bio by turning your whole Instagram feed into a clickable landing page that updates with every new post shared!

Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are a great tool for connecting with your followers faster! Instagram Stories let you string together multiple pictures and videos into a ‘story’ that disappear after 24 hours.

With Instagram Stories, you can post updates or new information and it lands at the very top of your followers’ news feeds, making it the first thing they see! 

Instagram Stories also offer fun, interactive ways to increase engagement with your followers! Including poll stickers, question boxes, and quizzes really gets your followers involved and is an easy way to increase interaction and involvement with your audience!

Hot tip: Make sure you add your Instagram Stories to your highlights on your profile to extend their 24-hour shelf life! Highlights are a great place for followers to receive more information and background on your business!

Instagram Stories are FUN! Start experimenting and get CREATIVE to see what you can come up with! 

Instagram Videos

One of the best ways to engage with your audience and boost your followers is by sharing more videos on your feed! With Instagram Stories and live videos, Instagram is making a clear push toward video content. The great thing about using Instagram videos is they don’t require a ton of production, as long as you have your phone and some creativity! 

IGTV is an incredible channel for showcasing interviews, new products or tutorials, all of the content that resonates with audiences! IGTV video descriptions can also contain clickable links — making it really easy for viewers to discover and shop as well!

Instagram Live is the spot for building MEANINGFUL connections with your online community. People love seeing businesses live on Instagram because it showcases a much more human and AUTHENTIC side to their brand.

Showcasing videos on your feed will help you to build long-term relationships with your followers!

Are you looking for help implementing these practices into your business page? We’ve got you, reach out!


Bonne Media

Nicole Robbins1 Comment