2021 Instagram Algorithm

You may be wondering how the Instagram algorithm actually works?

This is something that has caused a lot of confusion since Instagram first moved away from their traditional chronological feed.

We are going to share the ins and outs of how the Instagram algorithm ACTUALLY works for feed posts, stories, the Explore page, Reels and IGTV.

We will also go in-depth on how you can hack the algorithm and INCREASE ENGAGEMENT for your business.

According to Instagram, there are certain factors that are influencing the Instagram algorithm for feed posts:


Not only is your Instagram feed not solely based on who you are following, it is also based on the history of accounts and the types of posts that you’ve liked over time. The Instagram algorithm takes note of certain types of posts that you “like”, and the more you do, the HIGHER it will appear in your feed.

Overall, what you are seeing in your Instagram feed is a combo of all of your Instagram behaviours together. The types of posts that you are interacting with most often, the accounts you are tagged in photos with, etc.

In other words, CONSISTENTLY showing up on Instagram is so important! Consistency will increase your OPPORTUNITY for interactions with your audience.


In general, the Instagram algorithm prioritizes posts from your family, friends, and close people you interact with often. In order to show you the content that you want, the algorithm uses your interactions with your audience to piece together who is the closest to you.


This could mean the people you whose content you like, or stories you watch often, people you search for, or people you direct message often. 


This is why INTERACTION is so important! In order to remain in people’s feeds, you need to interact with your audience often and consistently be sharing feed posts, stories, etc.!



Instagram’s algorithm is really starting to show that it cares more about the time that you are posting something because it always strives to serve you the latest posts. 


The top 2 things that the algorithm pays attention to are how much ENGAGEMENT your post gets, and how long ago it was actually posted.


In order to hack the Instagram algorithm and INCREASE your REACH to gain more likes and followers, you need to find the best TIME to post on Instagram. If you consistently post at a time when most of your followers are actively online, you increase your chances of getting more likes and therefore remaining at the top of your audience’s feeds.


Instagram Algorithm for Instagram Stories

 Usually, Instagram Stories that appear at the beginning of your feed are from accounts that you engage with the most. 


Timeliness also plays a huge role in the Instagram Stories algorithm. Instagram always wants to ensure it is showing you the latest stories from your favourite accounts. 


If you are regularly engaging with and viewing an account, their new stories will be bumped to the front of your feed each time that they post, whether or not you’ve watched all their stories from the day before. Once again, CONSISTENCY is key for Instagram stories! Making sure that you often post to your stories will increase your engagement with your audience.



We hope that you found this post insightful! If you are looking for assistance in maintaining your Instagram’s algorithm and scheduling your posts at the right time, reach out! 



Bonne Media

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