If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you’ll know that my husband and I just recently moved into our first home! We are absolutely in love and are starting to put our personal touches throughout the space! A part of this is…. FURNITURE ASSEMBLY! Oh the joys LOL.

But my husband and I have slightly different approaches to putting together furniture. For me, I’m a kind of, look at the photos, okay I’ve got the right pieces and I’ve got a good enough idea of how they should go together so let’s dive in.

My husband is a little more detailed and meticulous LOL. He thoroughly reads step by step, keeps the instructions close at hand, screws the screw until it won’t go any tighter, makes sure things are snapped perfectly into place. And it takes a lot more TIME.

But what I had to do much more often than my husband was re-trace my steps and start over. You see I’d take a shortcut that seemed fine at that point in the journey of creating the finished product, but before I knew it, I was at a phase of the project that was dependant on the proper installation and preparation of a former piece, that would not fit together until the previous pieces were properly cared for and put together as was originally instructed.

Are you picking up what I’m putting down? I was thinking about how important this principal is in life. Sometimes we can opt for a shortcut that seems fine and dandy right now, but we realize a few months down the road, or sooner or later, that that short cut has made it next to impossible to properly take the next step in your growth, your goals, your “finished product”.

It’s way more effective and efficient to do it right the first time rather than have to disassemble and re-build. So here’s your reminder, and my reminder, to take your time, be diligent, and invest in doing it right the first time. It sets the foundations for step 2, 3 and 4 resulting in a beautiful end vision established and created.

With fall being a time where efficiency, productivity & sometimes what can turn into a “rat race” kick in, it’s easy to opt for the fastest most convenient route in the moment rather than perhaps the correct route. Think big picture, do things in the right order, and 6 months from now, you’ll be much further ahead— whether it’s in your business or personal life!

Thanks for reading friends :)

XX Ash

Ashley WebberComment