How to Get Your First 1000 Engaged Followers on Instagram

Reaching 1000 followers on Instagram is a BIG deal. Hitting a milestone like this shows that you are building a real CONNECTION and traction with your target audience and are on track to turn some of them into valued customers.

Getting to your 1000 follower mark is a huge milestone that can be troublesome to get to. With new brands joining Instagram every day, engaging and enticing users to hit the follow button can be tough, but it is definitely possible! 

Whether you’re having trouble reaching your first 1000 followers on Instagram or you’re planning to start a brand new account, this blog post is for YOU!

We love teaching freelancers and entrepreneurs how to grow their business on Insta, here are some tips:

As always, ENGAGEMENT is so important. In a nutshell, trying to increase your number of engaged followers (vs. number of total followers in general) should always be your goal. And if you’re just starting out with one to two hundred followers, learning how to get more followers on Instagram (who are engaged) is a great goal to set!

The more people who really care about what you have to say = more people who engage with your content = more people who will see your content (reach) = more ENGAGED followers (growth) = more people whom you can convert to an email subscriber or a sale. A win-win situation!

Consistency is KEY for how to get more followers on Instagram

Obviously, not every follower sees every one of your posts. The more people someone follows, the more options Instagram has to choose from, so your followers probably won’t see ALL of the posts from every account they follow. 

So how can you get your content in FRONT of more of your followers and actually stay on TOP?

Post CONSISTENTLY. To your feed, your Stories, and to Reels. The more high quality content you consistently share = the more people engaging with it = the higher it appears in their feed or at the beginning of their Stories feed. 

All of this helps to EXPAND your reach, helping you gain more engaging followers.

Start a Conversation

If you engage with your followers, start writing a simple open-ended question in the post. 

Ask them about something. In your stories, you can use a poll or a question sticker to ask a question. People LOVE interacting with brands directly, it makes you relatable.

In the beginning, you most likely won’t receive many replies. However, keep doing that even if it looks like you are talking to yourself for now. You want people to start engaging on your feed and in your stories so it is important to keep it up!

Hot tip: Go to your ideal clients’ profiles first, comment on their feed, watch their stories and leave comments! Don’t forget to shoot them a DM to introduce yourself and let them know what you like about their content and overall brand.

While this can all seem time-consuming, by doing so you will see that people will start replying to your questions and the overall interaction with your followers will GROW.

Maintain an Aesthetically Pleasing Feed

Having a clear, consistent aesthetically pleasing feed helps attract your ideal clients or customers. When they land on your feed, they should be able to quickly tell what you do, who you help and why they want to stick around for your content! You can maintain consistency through the use of consistent brand colors, imagery and fonts. 

Part of an aesthetically pleasing feed is DIVERSITY. Mix things up, have fun with it! Vary educational carousel posts by alternating between your 2-3 main brand colors for the cover. VARIETY is the spice of your Instagram life.

Use the Right #Hashtags

Hashtags help you get DISCOVERED by other people. On Instagram, you can add up to 30 hashtags, and it’s suggested that you use all of them! 

Search for relevant hashtags for the topic(s) you post. 

Don’t forget to use hashtags in your Stories!

If you’re looking for help with hashtags, check out our previous ‘Hashtags 101’ blog!

If you’re looking for help expanding your followers in 2021, reach out! We’re always here to help!


Bonne Media

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