Instagram Collections 101

Are you wondering if you should be using Instagram collections for your brand?


Instagram collections is definitely a feature that hasn’t received as much hype as others, but it’s definitely underrated one of the more USEFUL tools out there!


Instagram collections are a great way to collect user-generated content and can help you keep TRACK of the posts that you want to remember.


Let’s dive in!

Instagram is FULL of amazing content, and a lot of that content you don’t want to disappear forever. Whether you are a brand saving user-generated content, or you are saving recipes on your personal account, Instagram collections are the way to go.

Manage User-Generated Content


Instagram collections offer a great way for you to manage user-generated content.


Say you run a brand and notice that somebody has tagged you in a photo, sharing a personal moment showcasing your brand. By saving this share in a collection, you can easily ENGAGE with the user and find their content later to use as marketing material. 




Instagram collection is the BEST for saving Instagram posts to a private collection for inspiration. When you come across images or videos that are compatible with the BRAND IMAGE you want to project, save them! Use the images in this collection to spark visual marketing ideas for your brand campaigns. 


The 3 Best Ways to Use Instagram Collection for your Business:

  1. Set Up Standard Category Collections

Creating private collections can be done in two ways: before you find a post that you want to save in a collection, or at the same time that you find a post. If you already have an idea of the categories that you may want to save, go ahead and create those collections now!

To start, go to your profile and tap the bookmark icon. On the upper-right corner tap the + sign. Next, give your collection a name and categorize from there! 

Hot tip: Divide your collections up in user content, inspiration, etc.!


2. Create a Collection as You Save an Instagram Post

If you come across a post that you want to save but don’t have a certain collection already created for it, you can create the collection right then and there!

To do so, tap and hold the bookmark icon for the post that you are looking to save. Type in a name for the collection and VOILA, you’re all set!

3. Save an Instagram Post to an Existing Collection

If you are looking to save a post to a collection that’s already been created, tap and hold the bookmark icon on the post then tap the collection in which you want it saved!

All in all, creating private collections on Insta is fast and easy, and can help you monitor your brand mentions and followers in an organized fashion! Let us know what you guys think! Do you use collections on Instagram?



Bonne Media

Nicole Robbins1 Comment