2021 Instagram Metrics

Instagram metrics can seem intimidating if you aren’t familiar with the world of data and analytics. Knowing the ins and outs of these metrics can be REVOLUTIONARY for your brand’s growth!

 Ready to create a stronger social media strategy for the new year? 

We’re sharing 4 Instagram metrics to track for an AMPED up Insta game!

#1: Reach

Reach is one of the most important metrics to take into account when monitoring your brand’s performance on Instagram!

Reach will show you just how many unique accounts have seen your posts, and therefore how much AWARENESS and VALUE you’re gaining. 

If your overall goal is to increase awareness around your brand and reach the highest number of users possible, it’s time to focus on GROWING on Instagram!

Tracking posts that receive higher or lower reach than usual gives you insight for future posts and stories. 

Hashtags, call-to-action, what time you post...all of these factors have a direct impact on a post’s reach. Taking note of any changes that could contribute to an increase or decrease in your metrics is worth it!

#2: Growth

It has always been important to keep tabs on your profile growth, but with Instagram’s ‘followed’ and ‘unfollowed’ metrics, you can now see exactly just how many followers you are gaining and losing.

This level of insight is helpful for understanding exactly which content helps to GROW and EXPAND your followers, and which content results in a disappearance of followers.

Note: don’t get too caught up on your follower count. Followers will fluctuate due to a number of reasons, and having a smaller but more ENGAGED audience is much more valuable. 

Engaged audience = people who are more likely to purchase your products, share your posts and rep your brand.

#3: Instagram Stories Views

Instagram Stories are one of the newest, hottest ways to build a stronger relationship with your audience members. Track your view count, how many tapped forward and tapped back, find out what is resonating with them! 

Each INDIVIDUAL story slide will have its own metrics, this will include replies, impressions and navigations. Use metrics for each story slide to learn what’s holding your audience’s attention and what’s causing them to skip away from your content!

#4: Saves

Instagram saves are a very USEFUL metric that every brand should be tracking right now! With Instagram saves, users can save a post for later just by clicking the ‘bookmark’ icon in the bottom right corner of a post!

Saves are a KEY signal for the Instagram algorithm as they put an indication on the strong interest in your content. The MORE saves you get on a post, the more people Instagram will show said post to.

If you track and keep an eye on the number of saves your posts are receiving over time, you will be able to understand what content is prompting the highest number of saves and use this information to your advantage!

HOT TIP: Consider the TYPE of content that your audience would most likely be saving as a reference to come back to, like motivational quotes, tips or how to’s.

It can be overwhelming to dive deep into the analytic side of Instagram, reach out if you would like some guidance! We would LOVE to help!


Bonne Media

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