How to Create the Perfect Insta Bio

Finding the perfect happy-medium for your Instagram bio can be TOUGH. You have so much that you want to say while also remaining short and sweet.

First you need to figure out your ideal customer so that you can set up your profile to cater to THEM, not you. Repeat it with me, your profile should cater to your target market, not you.

Your Insta profile should totally include your own personal styles and tastes, but while also ensuring that you remain on BRAND with who you are targeting, and that you stick with the vibe that you want your company to give off.

Now, are you ready to break it down and create the most eye-catching Instagram profile ever?

Here’s how to create the perfect CAPTIVATING Instagram bio in just 4 steps:

Step 1 - Create a Unique Bio

While you may have a lot to say about your brand, it is important to keep your bio SHORT and SWEET. Do everything you can to not sound like a robot, you want users to quickly scan through those couple of lines and immediately be able to tell what you do and what products you offer.

Treat your Instagram bio like a first impression! This is the very first chance your audience gets to know you and your brand, so WOW them! This can make all the difference between a casual browser and the start of a life-long follower and supporter. 

Take action!

If you haven’t already thought about the vibe that you are going for with your company, now’s the time! You need to have a general ‘feel’ and VIBE to your Insta feed, and it all starts with your profile bio.

Step 2 - Upload the Perfect Photo!

Now it’s time to upload your picture, and something we recommend unless you are a super well-recognized brand, you are going to want to include a picture of YOU. Not your product, not your logo, YOU.

Just like your bio, this photo should be reflective of the VIBE and BRAND vision you are striving for. Stick with your theme and the overall feel of your brand.

Make sure to choose the right photo! Nothing blurry, boring, or cropped. Your photo should be deliberate and appear that way, you are running a business and it’s important to SHOWCASE that in every aspect. Your main goal should be to give your audience a shot of what the face behind the brand is all about. 

Step 3 - Include your Website & Email

Here’s the thing: You may have the most AMAZING product in the world BUT, if you make it difficult for people to get in touch with you, then you will miss out on some major opportunities and sales. 

If you don’t provide your website and/or email on your Instagram profile, people are more than likely not going to pursue your brand. People are busy and don’t have the time or patience to wander aimlessly through your website trying to find your contact info. Don’t let this happen to you!

Always, always, ALWAYS include your contact info in your Instagram bio. This gives your customers/followers a way to quickly & easily contact you with questions and inquiries. This also gives off the message that you're OPEN for business and ready to CONNECT, which is a huge piece of the marketing puzzle.

There’s no need to find a clever way to word it in, just throw your email in at the end of your bio so that it’s easily accessible for everyone to get in touch with you!


Step 4 - Consider Using Emojis if They Fit Your Brand

You may be iffy on this, but don’t be afraid to use Emojis in your profile! Emojis are actually a FANTASTIC way of conveying to your costumes exactly what you are trying to say! Plus, they are fun and attract people to look towards your profile!

There are so many ways to use Emojis effectively, and if they fit in with your brand and overall vibe then don’t be afraid to go for it and use them!

BONUS! Emojis serve as an easy way to break up the text in your bio to make it easier to read! In a world full of scrolling, being easier to read is always always a bonus!

Have a look into your brand’s overall style guide and see which Emojis naturally fit in with your brand. Consider using 2-3 of them within your bio to draw attention and break up the text!

And there you go, 4 steps to creating an Instagram profile that will ATTRACT users’ attention and will land you new followers just like it. We would love to help you create the perfect Instagram profile to fit your brand, shoot us a message!


Bonne Media

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