Email Marketing 101

Looking to get more into email marketing but have NO idea where to start?

Building an email list is one of those things that you know you should be doing, but beyond the advice to ‘grow your email list,’ you’ve got nothing to go off of! Everyone says growing the list is important, but what no one tells you is HOW to grow the list, WHERE to grow the list, or WHY to grow the list.

But not to worry! We’ve got you covered with these simple steps to a 

SUCCESSFUL email marketing campaign:

First Things First, WHY Email?

Here’s the WHY: 

  • 3.57% more people click through promotional links in email vs. social media

  • The average order value on your email list is 3x higher than that of social media

  • Your email is 5x more likely to be seen in an email inbox vs. social media

If you’re currently posting to *crickets* on your socials and getting only a handful of views and sales, it’s time to SHIFT gears and focus on a strategy that is DESIGNED to make people notice you. Email lists can be the answer to you moving forward in your business!

Email marketing is where the DOLLARS are. The more people you get to join your list, you can sell them EFFORTLESSLY and in a ‘hands off’ way that doesn’t involve you showing up live to pitch a product on camera.

Email marketing is basically the definition of introvert-friendly selling. 

Here’s the HOW:

Step 1: Pick a Service Provider

People often avoid email marketing in the fear of it being tedious to CC people in on your email and taking hours to do so. Fear not! It is MUCH easier than that thanks to email service providers!

Email service providers are platforms that allow you to collect people’s emails, keep your email list neat and organized and actually SEND out your emails to your email list - both MANUALLY and AUTOMATED!

We personally LOVE MailChimp for our email marketing needs. It’s top notch and so simple! Familiarize yourself with the site and then you’re set! 


Step 2: Create Your Lead Magnet

Email marketing may seem like a large task if you are unsure of how to get people to actually subscribe to your email list. If you’ve looked into email marketing in the past and weren’t able to gain a huge subscriber list, it may simply be because you straight up asked people to ‘sign up for our newsletter’ without offering them any real information or incentive to do so. It’s all about your OFFER.

Provide information! People are much more likely to sign up for something if they know they are truly going to get something out of it, such as tips and tricks, a one-time discount upon subscribing, it all works! Make sure to explain to people why they would BENEFIT from subscribing to your email list!


Step 3: Begin Sending the Emails!

Now that you’ve accumulated people on your email list (go you!), it’s time to decide what to SAY to them, and WHEN?!

Our best advice if you’re just getting started? Just begin and write like you’re talking to a friend who is interested in your business!

Email marketing is perfect for providing tips & tricks to your subscribers, whether or not it has to do with products you sell, or marketing tips! It is also a great space to showcase and advertise new products your brand is featuring. 

Before you make excuses as to why you haven’t yet sent your 15 subscribers an email yet, REMEMBER - there is no ‘magic number’ you have to reach before sending out emails! Your email list is only valuable if you have a relationship with these subscribers, you have to start somewhere and GROW from there!


Looking for some assistance as you dive into the world of email marketing? Let us help! We would love to chat.


Bonne Media 

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