Narrowing Your Niche in Your Biz 101

Now listen, this might be something that you won’t want to hear but you won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. That’s okay, you don’t want to be. This means that you can be free to specifically speak to and serve your dream ideal clients without fear of losing someone. Maybe someone who doesn’t even like tea in the first place.

By finding out who you want to work with (your ideal client) and then figuring out how to serve them over and over again (within your specific niche), you will completely up level your marketing game.

Now you may be wondering what a Niche is?

A niche is a defined portion of something that is in a much larger category. In terms of your business, this means narrowing down who you are marketing to (your ideal client) SO specifically, that you are able to clearly and effectively communicate to that specific audience.

Here are some tips to finding your niche:

  • Identify your own passions and interests to learn who you would love to work with most. After all, your business is most likely you want for the long haul so you want to make sure that you are connecting about something that you love sharing with others.

  • Think about all of the things that people always ask you about to see if there is a problem that you can solve for someone.

    Maybe you love doing hair and everyone asks you for tips on doing their hair, can you address this to solve someone’s problem?

    Maybe you love staying organized in your life and everyone asks you for tips to declutter your home, can you address this to solve someone’s problem?

    Don’t overthink it - we are sure there are so many things that you love and are already sharing with the world that you might not even realize it, capitalize on these passions!

  • Do the research to see if there is a market that for your specific passions and interests. Do a keywords search to find out if your potential niche is already popular and successful on social platforms. If there are some people who are already branding themselves in that specific niche, study them! Do you think that you would be a good fit? Do you think it’s a good niche for your lifestyle? Do you think that you can add your own unique something-something to the table to add all kinds of different value for that audience?

If you have been successful in narrowing down your niche with your business and have any other tips for doing this, we’d love to learn more in the comments below!


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