Social Media Engagement Boosting Hacks

Ever feel like you’re just talking to yourself on social media?

We’ve ALL been there!

It can be difficult to show up day in and day out when nobody is engaging with the content that you’ve worked SO hard to put out there.

Here’s the stitch: Your hard work deserves to get NOTICED, in a MAJOR way.

While everyone is sharing how important it is to grow your social media, there isn’t a lot of stress put on growing an ENGAGED presence on social media.

The ‘Make It or Break It Rule’ of Engagement

Before we dive into our engagement-boosting types of posts you can create, let’s go through a few tips & tricks that will help you to create ‘safe’ and ‘valued’ space that followers need in order to feel moved to ENGAGE with your brand.

Acknowledge ALL comments

This is SO important! If you are posting photos asking for opinions or feedback and people respond but you ignore them, how do you think they will feel? They won’t continue to engage with your posts. If you’re looking for engagement from followers, be prepared to give some engagement back!

People are taking the time to interact and comment with your brand, you need to make the time to INTERACT and comment back at them! Let them know you value them as followers and appreciate their engagement!

Show Up Consistently

This one is a CONSTANT struggle for so many. People flock to consistency and the things/people they can count on being dependable.

If you’re serious about growing your engagement, then SHOW UP. Let’s get the snowball rolling!

Now, let’s dive into different types of posts to create BUZZ in your community:

Feedback Post

Let’s kick things off with a good one - asking your followers for their opinions! We often get so wrapped up in creating what we THINK is going to sell that we forget to ask our customers! HELLO killer market research! Just asking what they think of a business decision can be HUGELY eye-opening and give them the true feeling that they really matter to you. 

The key for this is to make it very easy to respond! Don’t ask for too many details or for too much from them, just a simple question and answer will do!

Permission Post

This is a post type where you may get a little vulnerable. No need for oversharing here, but just enough so that your audience feels as though you are APPROACHABLE. 

A permission post is simply giving your followers permission to be who they already are. Essentially, you are meeting your followers where they’re at, sharing that you too have struggled with the same thing, and give them hope that they don’t stay trapped there.

Your product or advice could be the solution to helping them solve that problem that they are struggling with. Use your marketing brain to understand the WHY of your product and what it does for your customers.

Human Nature Post

This one is FUN and while it doesn’t directly impact your sales, it WILL boost engagement and get people talking about your brand.

This type of post is random, and asks things that aren’t directly related to your business and brand at all! These posts show your followers that yes, you are human as well, and it isn’t just all business all the time! HELLO relatability! Followers love to see this. 

The point of these posts is to ask questions that people have opinions on that they just can’t help themselves but RESPOND and ENGAGE. Make it fun! Avoid posting about hot topics. Try something light such as ‘what’s your favourite podcast to listen to at the moment?’

People LOVE sharing their opinions and it’s a simple way to increase engagement on your brand’s page!

The Struggle Post

Similar to the feedback post but still different, the struggle post is an open-ended type of post asking your followers for their opinions on things that RELATE to your brand. 

As an example, say you own a home decor line. You could ask something such as ‘what hangups do you run into when trying to style your home?’ Get ready for some GOLD comments.

And there you have it! Go for it! Try just ONE out this week, and share how it went! We would LOVE to hear!

Bonne Media

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